

2019-11-26 走进大圆满

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Question: Is it correct that we only need to pray for Guru’s blessings wholeheartedly and then don’t have to do learning, contemplating and practicing?


Guru’s answer: How could you generate a faith without learning, contemplating and practicing? If your faith were raised, you could obtain the blessings without doing all these. However, it is hard to generate a faith. Faith requires an unwavering mind which is generated from awareness of the reality of Dharma. After you truly understand the nature state of all things, you won’t have doubts and waver anymore. When you are not moved, your heart is settled and then you get the power.


Some people nowadays don’t do too much learning and contemplating, but they had done that in their past lives. As a result, they have some foundation; however, it doesn’t present when the conditions are not ready yet. One day, when conditions are ready, those good roots they had made in previous lives will ripen. At this moment they will get enlightened all of a sudden. The so-called epiphany is like this. Take Huineng the Six Patriarch for example, it is not right that he didn’t learn, contemplate or practice. It is also wrong to say that he had no foundation. He had foundation that had been built in his previous lives and his continuity is almost getting mature. As a result, just a short gatha or a slight gesture, the condition is ready.  



It is just in a flash whether it is enlightenment or attaining achievement; however, it also requires challenges. To challenge your habitual patterns and mature your continuity. When you get trained well enough, it will click one day. As long as you continue to practice and mature the continuity, one day you will get enlightened and have awareness all of a sudden.


When you have a devoted and pure mind, you will get the blessings anywhere and anytime. The moon shines on the river where water flows. Where there is water, there is moon shining on the water. Those who have a faith will obtain the blessings. It is incredible. Not until you experience attentively with the heart will you feel it, before then it is a power you cannot see and feel. The blessings could come from the Guru and the Three Jewels. It could be the blessings from your own. When you set your mind on, it is a power itself and also a blessing. The Guru and the Three Jewels are perceptual objects and a basis. You need to establish a faith continuously until it is generated. And when your mind is settled, you will obtain the blessings. 


