
2017-06-02 汉传法师

Hi 陌生人你好!

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Q: Venerable Master, when my sister was a freshman in community college, she showed suicidal tendencies. During her second year of living on campus, she behaved abnormally and talked illogically. After her family transferred merit to cross over her creditors from past lives, her condition improved. However, she still has periodic lapses. Is there any way to cure her?


A: She should just recite Guanyin Bodhisattva's name, and she will get well. But she has to have true faith.


Q: Venerable Master, someone said that my brother will be a threat to my mother's life in 1994 and should not be allowed to live with her. Is there a way to solve this problem?


A: I'm a left-home person, not a snake-oil salesman, and I don't know how to answer such questions.


Q: If we recite mantras on a daily basis, should we recite just one mantra or many different mantras? Which is more beneficial?


A: Neither is more beneficial. All Dharmas are equal, without one being better than another. The one is just the many, and the many are just the one. Whether you recite many mantras or one, you have to be single-minded for it to be efficacious. If you say you want to recite more mantras or Sutras, that's just your greed acting up.


Q: Yang Shuhui bows in respect and asks: How should a beginner go about studying Buddhism? How should he choose a Way-place and find a Good and Wise Advisor? How can he recognize the Proper Dharma?


A: I am not a Good and Wise Advisor, so I don't know. You have to choose for yourself. There is no fixed method. You have to use the Dharma-Selecting Eye. Don't mistake the true for the false and the false for the true, that's all.


Q: National Master Yu Lin refused to return to lay life and get married. I don't quite agree with his decision. What is the Venerable Master's opinion?


A: Being a left-home person, I don't get involved in such matters. Don't ask me about matters of marriage and childbirth.


Q: Venerable Master, how can I obtain the Dharma-Selecting Eye?


A: I don't have the Dharma-Selecting Eye myself, so how can I tell you?


Q: Venerable Master, how can we be vigorous and advance to a higher level?


A: Eat, drink, and play mahjong.


Q: Wang Manmei seeks instruction. Venerable Master, how can one leave the Triple Realm and enter the door of liberation?


A: If you are not in the Triple Realm, then you have left the Triple Realm!


Q: How can I recognize my true life? I fully agree with what Venerable Master just said.


A: Then you've been cheated!


Q: Venerable Master, how should one prepare for rebirth?


A: Why do you want to be reborn? How can you go to rebirth when you are dragging so much garbage around?


Q: What are the conditions for leaving the home-life?


A: There aren't any conditions for leaving the home-life. The only condition is that you must be vigorous. Don't be lazy, don't just eat in confusion and wait for death, and don't exploit situations. Don't just sit there all day long waiting for people to make offerings. Don't be greedy for blessings. After you leave home, the more bitter it is, the better. You should not enjoy too much luxury. The left-home people at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas are all like skinny monkeys, because they eat just one meal a day. You won't find any chubby faces. They've all been cheated by me. Some have been cheated for over ten years, and they still feel they haven't had enough. So they haven't run off and are still following me. The ones who feel they've had enough of being cheated have returned to lay-life.(待续 To be continued)





